
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Meet Charles

The Order of  Du Rosyn (Black Rose) had begun  due to the injustices that were happening during the war between England and France in the mid 1700's. Many men of power were abusing their position, strangling all that was good out of the countries, creating an imbalance. Not realizing that their greed and gluttony was not only robbing the countries, but even more --weakening it.  The order was rendered by many good men, both French and English. These men understood that if everything continued on this path it would deplete their lands, people and destroy their legacies.
As the heir to an earldom it was Lord Charles Saterlee's duty to follow in his father's footsteps and join in the secret allegiance to help protect his people and his heritage. 
Over the years he learned how to Infiltrate the lives of his enemies and gain their trust.  Known by many as Simon he was able to keep his identity a secret and his emotions separate, never allowing himself to become compromised...  until now. When he must use his abilities to lie and deceive to the person he is vowed to protect, he finally tastes the bitterness of betrayal. 

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Black Rose Series: The Curse

May 8, 1788 

As she made her way across the courtyard Séraphin couldn’t escape the thought that she might not see Jeremy again. That is so silly she thought to herself, he promised he would return in a fortnight after meeting with his father. 
 It is hard to imagine that the boy who arrived her six years ago to foster with her Uncle and teased her relentless is the same person who now wants to marry her. Oh how she was bursting to tell someone, but Jeremy was right they need to wait till he speaks to his father first. 
 As she looked back towards her Uncle’s estate still alive with guests, she could still here the music and laughter coming from the party.  She paused and watched the people dancing though the opened doors. Anytime they had balls they would keep the stained glass doors open to allow guest to mingle into the courtyard. The doors were custom made, carved with roses and vines that continued on to the stained glass with bold red petals and dark green vines except for the one right in the middle it was black. The courtyard itself was filled with different types of roses her Uncle had imported from around the world. The most exotic rose was one that is such a dark burgundy it appears to be black, from which the estate derived its Welsh name ‘Du Rhosyn’, black rose. 
 Her uncle had gone out of his way to make her eighteenth party a memorable evening. There wasn’t one detail not attended too. He made this night all about her, he loves masquerade balls but this one seemed grand by even by his standards. She was sure it was in hopes of finding her a husband in the long run. He has always treated her as if she was his daughter; at that thought tears threatened to fill her eyes. Oh how she missed her own father, there are times now when she can barely remember his face. With a deep breath she jarred herself out of her own thoughts, tonight was for celebrating not dwelling on the past. She followed her way along the banister and down the stairs towards the garden area. 
 This whole evening had been wonderful like an unfulfilled dream. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply as to comment this moment to memory. A feeling of peace, happiness and relief washed over her because every birthday up till today for the last nine years have been ones she assume to forget. Why she was quite certain she was the only child who actually dreaded birthdays. Now though it was well within the eve she felt like finally the birthday curse was over and it was all because of Jeremy.  
 As she opened her eyes, she exhaled making a big chill shoot up her spine. As she leaned back against a large oak to steady herself she heard voices coming from the stables. As she looked in the direction of the voices two figures emerged from the darkness. A couple from the party she assumed for she could tell it was a man and a woman. The light of the moon shining behind them made it hard for her to distinguish who they were. Not wanting to interrupt such a private moment, which she was sure they did not want witnessed, she stepped back into the shadows.  As she moved back behind the tree she realized she recognized the woman’s voice, it was her friend Mary. 
 “I don’t understand, I thought you… well that we loved each other? I have given myself to you; I thought we were to be married? How could you want to marry her after what we have shared.” It was so obvious her friend was crushed by this blackheart of a man.  
 Just as Séraphin started to head to her friend’s aide in her time of need she stopped dead in her tracks. The man turned to Mary “It is not that I don’t care for you my love it is about my station. You are the daughter a stableman and I am heir to a baron, my father would not permit it.  Once I am married I will send for you and you will live on our estate as my mistress” 
 As Mary began to move towards Jeremy, she stopped cold as she noticed Séraphin standing there. As he turned to see what caught her attention Jeremy stood there with his mouth gapped open. Séraphin slapped Jeremy hard across the face. Now an angered Jeremy reached for her but before he could grab her wrist she slipped out of his grasp.  Séraphin began to run from him, this party, this day. 

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Holidays = Pajama Days!

That's right it doesn't matter what holiday it is you will always find me in my PJs on that day. I even go so far as to purchase new ones to commemorate the occasion. The tradition started when I was little at Christmas time. My mother would always allow us to open one present Christmas Eve but the kicker was she would pick which one, you probably guessed it was PJs! We would all be so picture perfect on gathered around the tree opening our presents. Over the last few years we have taken that tradition to the next level. My mother buys everyone a Christmas Eve gift which you are required to have on Christmas Day. Regardless of your age or even if you are stopping by to visit the dress code is the same. Unlike the adorable matching Christmas plaid we would wear now everyone is sitting around in cartoon characters. Nothing brings more merriment then seeing grown men sitting in Sponge Bob pants. Eventually this had carried over into different holidays; Thanksgiving, Easter, etc. Some may Call us crazy or unorthodox but we celebrate together and were relaxed doing it. So no surprise to know that I am sitting here writing and enjoying being at home in my Despicable Me jammies. Enjoy the holiday!